Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Color Creates a Visual Personal Brand

Katy Perry was recently featured in the Los Angeles Times, but it wasn’t for her singing. What caught the attention of the media was how stylish she became by wearing the color blue.
Selecting a specific color for your wardrobe is an easy way to create a signature look. When you mix it up with different textures such as lace and denim you can get a wide variety of looks from dazzling to casual all in the same hue.
Like Katy, you will want to find your favorite colors to go with your signature color. She favors white and silver with her blue.
A word of caution: If you dress in your color from head to toe you risk looking like Mr. Clean. Be sure  to add contrast to your outfits with neutral colors.
When you have a visual signature “element” you become more recognizable. As we know, brand recognition is what its all about.