Friday, September 14, 2012

5 Deadly Reasons that Black is Killing You – Part 4

Deadly Reason #4: Black is Killing You in Print

If you use large areas of black with white or colored type in your brochures and other printed material be aware that it could be fatal to your communications. Reversed type is 50% harder to read then dark type on a light background.

When you use a serif font and/or small type it amplifies the readability problem. If your audiences are 40 or over chances are they literally will be unable to read your material and will move on.

The same readability issues occur online with websites, blogs or pages with where you are using black, or dark backgrounds, with white or colored type on them.

Color counts. Stay tuned for more on the color black.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

5 Deadly Reason that Black is Killing You - Part 2

See how unflattering
 black can be? 

Deadly Reason #2: Black is killing your looks.  
The harsh reality is when you wear a black top you look severe and unfriendly compared to when you wear a color or even white. If you are female and over 40, this is doubly true. 
If you wear your dark hair long it will blend into your top, which makes you just one big black form from the waist up. If your skin is light, and you wear a black top it makes you look paler by comparison. Plus you run the risk of looking like a "talking head." If you have dark skin you can really end up looking like one, big, dark shape. 
Luckily there is an immediate and quick fix. Simply start wearing lighter or more colorful tops. Even a bright scarf, necklace or necktie will help. You will instantly look younger and friendlier. After you give up the ominous black look, you will become more approachable. You may even feel lighter! 
Color counts. Stay tuned for more on the color black.